Performance on Compressor as Turbine (CAT) Piko Hydro Scale

Asep Neris Bachtiar, Ahmad Fauzi Pohan, Santosa Santosa, Isril Berd, Uyung Gatot Dinata


The potential for water energy in Indonesia is around 76170 MW, only 210 MW has been utilized through micro-hydro and piko hydro-scale hydropower plants, one of the challenges because water turbines are not sold on the market, to get them must be ordered first so the price of turbines becomes expensive The purpose of this experimental study centrifugal compressor as a water turbine. Tests were carried out on a 4.7 m constant head and four variations was to determine the characteristics and achievements of a turbo charger of valve openings, namely open 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%. It is known that the greater the valve openings the greater the rotation speed, torque, power and efficiency. At 100% valve openings produce maximum torque of 10.7 N.m, maximum power of 342.11 W and maximum efficiency of 52.7%. The efficiency curve due to the influence of the discharge ratio produces a polynomial curve with mathematical equations y = 113.5x3 – 304.5x2 + 290.6x - 46,92, that is the finding that can be used as a measure of achievement and characteristics of a centrifugal compressor turbo charger when it functions as a water turbine.


Compressor as turbine; Pump as turbine; PAT; Compressor; Piko hydro; Turbo charger

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