Conception optimization and CFD structure study of Wind firm power generation based on OWC-WTGS combined generation system with battery storage system



In this paper, a deep study and optimization process for  wind firm generation system based on full solar, wind and OWC chamber structure for wave energy harvesting and battery storage system, a combined WTGS (wind turbine generation system) with OWC (oscillating water column chamber) hybrid  generation system has been involved for offshore generation firms for power lifting, an FEM (finite element modeling) structure study has been applied to a novel proposition using double orifice chamber structure with form optimization for the maximization of the harvested power, a CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) simulator software module was used for the study of the pneumatic power evolution through the structure. A novel wave generation method was applied to a 1:30 mechanical prototype that was built for this purpose to get an oscillated wave model through the RWMD method (Real Wave Model Simulator) instead of using an ordinary sin wave generator on the tank to make the waves the closest possible to the real sea waves. An experimental energy management system has been implemented for the battery storage energy control using two phase interleaved electronic system for the battery charging process between this latter and the full system. A DC-DC converter for the management of the global power system has been studied for this purpose.



(OWC) Oscillating Conversion Chamber device; FEM Finite Element Method; CFD Computational fluid dynamics; RWMS method Real Wave Model Simulator; wind turbine combined generation system. Solar energy, Lead acid battery cell, two phase interleaved DC-DC co

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