Utilization of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) from urban waste as an alternative fuel for cement factory: A case study

ahmad hajinezhad, emad ziaee halimehjani, mojtaba tahani


The country's industrial development has led to increment in consumption of energy. Thus, energy saving is substantial in developed countries. Due to implement of cement in industry construction, authentic manufacturing method is essential. Cement is considered as high consumed source for industry which requires high productivity. On the other hand, imminent depletion of fossil resources, leads to utilization of alternative fuels. In this paper, we explore the possibility of alternative refuse-derived fuel (RDF) from Rasht city for Lowshan Cement Factory. The best choice of RDF for Lowshan cement factory is Fluff RDF. Considering the amount and the type of waste, 168 tons per day Fluff RDF has been calculated. It was determined that the use of RDF as an alternative fuel could raise heating value and lower production costs. 168 tons of RDF with heating value of 17790Kj/kg would be 21.2% of the energy needed to supply the cement factory. Exergy efficiency of the reaction is increased by applying RDF. By increasing the amount of paper in RDF, exergy efficiency increment rate is more than other material contained in RDF.


Cement, RDF, Alternative Fuel, Municipal Waste, Exergy

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v6i2.3170.g6837


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