Fuzzy logic Based Hysteresis Current Control and Regenerative Braking of BLDC motor with Battery Equivalent Cell Modelling for Electric Vehicles
This article deals with the collective operation of different components of the electric vehicle (EV) including battery, bidirectional DC-DC converter (BDC), voltage source inverter (VSI), brushless DC motor (BLDCM), and its controller. Temperature modelling and electrical equivalent cell modelling (EECM) of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are particularly important to investigate their performance in real time. In this research work, the parameters are generated from EECM as a function of both State of Charge (SOC) and temperature for a 24V, 15Ah battery pack. Further, the practical battery plant is connected to a 3kW BLDCM drive through mathematically designed BDC and VSI to explore the operation. The VSI switches are operated by the pulses generated through the fuzzy logic-based hysteresis current control (FLHCC) to achieve the closed-loop speed control and regenerative braking (RB) of BLDCM to charge the battery which is not explored in the literature for the drivetrain. Though hysteresis current control (HCC) results in higher ripples and less efficiency, it has practical advantages such as simplicity and minimum cost. The system’s closed loop operation is examined separately in MATLAB/Simulink with traditional PI controllers and FLC. The results show that FLHCC performs better than the PI controller regarding speed tracking and precision.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v13i3.14055.g8813
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