Optimal design of FoPID controller for DFIG based wind energy conversion system using Grey-Wolf optimization algorithm
Because of substantial economic and environmental benefits, the wind turbine has solidified itself as an acceptable replacement for the generation of electricity by fossil fuel or nuclear power plants. Research continues to focus on enhancing the performance and adaptability of Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS). This study proposes a fresh contribution to the field, based on Fractional order PID (FoPID) controller to enhance the performance of DFIG WECS by controlling the converters, as well as optimizing the gains of a FoPID controller based on the Grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm. The proposed algorithm brought important features in terms of minimizing the harmonics in rotor current and persistence against system disturbances and parameter variations. The control approach is simulated using a MATLAB/Simulink and has 2.55% THD in rotor current whereas existing methods FPID optimization tool & standard PI regulator has 6.21% and 8.67% respectively. The results achieved using the novel GWO-FoPID controller outperform the FoPID controller tuned using FPID optimization tool & standard PI regulator.
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i4.13446.g8594
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Publisher: Gazi University
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