The Integration of Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources to Smart Grid: A Comprehensive View

Abdulrahman Ibrahim AlKassem


Renewable energy resources are intermittent by nature. This intermittency influences the balance of the electrical system negatively and the influence grows with the increase of renewable energy penetration into the grid. The transion of the classic electricity power grid to a smart grid is one of the key promising solutions. It helps in many aspects including the integration of renewable energy resources and to cope with the increased demand over an aging infrastructure. This research provides a comprehensive view of the integration of renewable energy technologies into the smart grid. An overview of the key features to facilitate the integration of intermittent energy sources into the smart grid is discussed. The smart grid concept, its impact, and its challenges are presented and discussed. Furthermore, the proposed resolutions presented in the literature are investigated. This research sheds the light on the important areas in generation, transmission, and distribution phases to help in the decision making related to managing the impact of higher penetration of renewable energy sources to the grid including smart transmission, smart distribution methodologies, electric vehicles, and shifting the role of the demand-side from being passive and uncontrollable to active and controllable. The proposed enhancements can provide the needed reinforcement for the grid system to overcome its current challenges.


Smart grid; renewable energy; distributed energy resources; intermittent resources; demand response; demand dispatch; microgrid.

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