Challenges of RES with Integration of Power Grids, Control Strategies, Optimization Techniques of Microgrids: A Review

HIMA BINDU ELURI, M.Gopichand Naik


The Conceptual views on renewable energy sources, the use of unconventional sources and integration, future challenges for “Renewable energy sources (RES)” and strategies for controlling different types of microgrids are specified in this paper. The importance of RES has increased in the electrical system power network due to their periodic nature. Its generation does not coincide with load point when need for Energy Management Systems (EMS) is created. In this lexicon, Energy management (EM) prefaces an includible challenge in operation of distributed renewable sources connected to grid. The challenge in this type of sources is due to factors such as the infrequent sources, the estimations in time of day, the size of the “solar panels”, “battery”, limits of the charging, discharging speeds of battery. The novelty of this paper is latest scenarios, potential of solar, wind energy in India is specified in a graphical manner and control strategies, optimization techniques of microgrid are discussed in an elaborated way. In this article, the concepts the basics of microgrid, challenges in integration of grid, optimization techniques and the concept of “Distributed Energy Resources (DER)’s” are discussed.


Renewable energy sources; Microgrids; Integration; Energy management system (EMS); Solar panels; Integration; Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

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