Soft Switching Bridgeless Rectifier for NEV Battery Charger

G. Kanimozhi, S. Bhagyashri


The high efficiency soft switching bridgeless PFC rectifier with Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) is proposed for Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV). For each switching period the proposed converter operates both in Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) mode and resonant mode and hence termed as Hybrid Resonant PWM. Reduced Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), switching losses and voltage stress across semiconductor devices are realized in this converter by implementing soft-switching technique. The closed loop control of this converter is implemented using Externally Resettable Integrator (ERI) Control technique. Duty Ratio control of the switch in a single switching period is implemented through this nonlinear control technique. This technique rejects input voltage perturbations in one switching cycle and follows the control reference instantaneously. A 125W converter prototype is designed and simulated using PSIM software. The simulated results are realized with experimental results. The hardware results infer that input power factor is closer to unity and output voltage is regulated to 110V with an efficiency of  94%.


electrical vehicles;electrical engineering

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