Investigation of Power Coefficient Behaviors of the Parabolic Wind Rotor Due to its Variable Geometry Parameters



In this work, the effect of changing the diameter of the rotor (2R), the height of the rotor (H), the number of blades (N) and the length of the blade section (C) on the power factor (Cp) were studied. The results were presented in the form of power factor (Cp) curves as a function of tip speed ratio (l0). The aerodynamic mathematical model "Multi Streamtube" was implemented by a computer program that was designed using Microsoft Visual Basic. A total of 57 configurations were utilized for the investigation of the effects of the various rotor design parameters on the Cp of the rotor. The results indicated that increasing rotor height to diameter ratio (H/R) leads to a decrease in Cp over low tip speed ratio range for all values of solidity,s, (NC/R) investigated. However, higher values of (H/R) result in a raise in Cp over high tip speed ratio range for values of (NC/R) less than 0.2 approximately. Thus, it seems that higher (H/R) values constitute an advantage for fast rotating rotors (low (NC/R) and high tip speed ratio).

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