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ABDELKAFI, Achraf, National Engineering School of Sfax (Tunisia)
Abdelkrim, Khelifa, Unité de Recherche Appliquée en Energie Renouvelables, URAER, Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, CDER, 47133, Ghardaïa, Algeria (Algeria)
Abdelkrim, MENADI
Abdelkrim, SOUSSA, Department of Industrial Engineering, Laboratory of Automation and Manufacturing, University Batna 2, 05 avenue Chahid Boukhlouf 05000 Batna, Algeria (Algeria)
Abdellaoui, Mohieddine, Institut National de Recherche et d'Analyse Physico-chimique (Tunisia)
Abdellatif, A., Arab Academy for Science Technology and Maritime Transport (Egypt)
Abdellatif, O.E., Mechanical Engineering Dep., Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha University, Shoubra street, Rod ELFarag, Shoubra Masr ,Cairo, 11672, Egypt
Abdellatif, O.E., Mechanical Engineering Dep., Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Benha University
Abdellatif, Sameh Osama Ezzat, The British University in Egypt (Egypt)
Abdellatif, Walid S. E., Electric Department, Faculty of Industrial Education, Suez University, Suez, Egypt (Egypt)
Abdellatif, Walid S. E.
Abdellatif, Walid S. E., Associate Professor, Electrical Department (Power & Machines Section) Faculty of Technology and Education Suez University, Suez, Egypt
Abdellatif, Walid S. E., Electrical Dept., Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Suez 43527, Egypt
Abdelsattar, Montaser, South Valley University (Egypt)
Abdelsattar, Montaser (Egypt)
Abdelwahab, Saad A. Mohamed, Assistant Professor, Electrical Department (Power & Machines Section) Faculty of Technology and Industrial Education Suez University, Suez, Egypt Tel:01147534410, 01096250375 (Egypt)
Abdelwahab, Saad A. Mohamed, Assistant Professor, Electrical Department (Power & Machines Section) Faculty of Technology and Education Suez University, Suez, Egypt Tel:01147534410, 01096250375 (Egypt)
Abdelwahab, Saad A. Mohamed, Electrical Dept., Faculty of Technology and Education, Suez University, Suez 43527, Egypt (Egypt)
Abdelwahab, Saad A. Mohamed, Associate Professor, Electrical Department (Power & Machines Section) Faculty of Technology and Education Suez University, Suez, Egypt Tel:01147534410, 01096250375 Email: , (Egypt)
Abderrezak, BADJI, - LATAGE Laboratory, Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou, BP: 17 RP 15000 Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria. - IRIMAS Laboratory, University of Haute Alsace, 61 Rue Albert Camus, 68200 Mulhouse, France. (France)
Abdollahi-Mansoorkhani, Hamidreza (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Abdolzadeh, Morteza, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kerman Graduate University of Technology, Kerman, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Abdolzadeh, Morteza, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
ABDOURRZIQ, Mohamed Amine
Abdraman, Mahamat (Chad)
Abdul Rahman, Izzah Syazaidah, Faculty of Integrated Technologies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam)
Abdul Zahra, Musaddak Maher
Abdul-Niby, Mohammed, Head of Electrical Engineering Department (Kuwait)
Abdulaziz, Ahmed Hesham, Design and Production Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University (Egypt)
Abdulaziz, Ahmed Hesham, Group for Advanced Research in Dynamic Systems (ASUGARDS), Design and Production Engineering Department, Ain Shams University (Egypt)
Abdulhafedh, Yasir
Abdulhasan, Maki Mahdi
Abdulkareem, Fatima A., Northern Technical University
Abdulkarim, Abubakar, University of Ilorin, (Nigeria)
Abdullah, Ade Gafar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia)
Abdullah, Fahad Bin, Institute of Business Management (IoBM) (Pakistan)
Abdullah, Hasan Mohammed
Abdullah, Ilmi, Universitas Sumatera Utara (Indonesia)
Abdullah, Majid Abdullateef, Department of Energy Conversion Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia)
Abdullah, Mohd Fahmy, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (Malaysia)
Abdullah, Nor Azliana
Abdullahi Chinade, Ahmed, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi-Nigeria (Nigeria)
Abdulmajid, Mohammed, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Effat University, PO Box 34689, Jeddah 21478, Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia)
AbdulMalek, MohamedFareq, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong in Dubai, Dubai (United Arab Emirates)
Abdulraheem, Khalid Fatihi, Sohar University (Oman)
Abdulraheem, Khalid Fatihi (Canada)
Abdulrazig, Osama D H, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bright Star University, Libya (Libya)
Abdulsahib, Bassam M., Solar Energy Research Institute, Level G, Research Complex, National University of Malaysia 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor. MALAYSIA (Malaysia)
Abdulsahib M., Bassam, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia)
Abdulsahib M., Bassam (Malaysia)

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