Simulation and Control of Linear Fresnel Reflector Solar Plant

rowida elsaid, mohamed rady, Adel El Samahy, Waeel Mohamed, Filippo Paredes, Fabio Montagnino


Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) solar collectors have a good potential in small scale solar applications for heating, cooling, and power generation. The present article presents simulation and control study of small-scale multi-generation LFR solar power plant located in SEKEM medical center near Belbis city, Egypt. The study focuses on the operation and control of solar field and thermal energy storage. A quasi-dynamic model of LFR has been implemented in the environment of MATLAB Simulink, which includes solar field, thermal energy storage system, pipes and centrifugal pump.  Conventional and renewable energy optimization toolbox (CARNOT) has been adopted for the first time to model the LFR solar field.  This model has been successfully validated using experimental data obtained from LFR collector in the test field of the Solar Living Lab of Consorzio ARCA in Palermo, Italy. Proportional Integral (PI) plus feed forward controllers (both parallel and series configurations) with an anti-reset mechanism have been developed to maintain the difference between the outlet and inlet temperature of collector field at a constant value under different conditions of disturbances due to variation of inlet oil temperature and solar radiation. The manipulated variable is the mass flow rate passing through collector field. The performance of the plant has been evaluated under nominal conditions, presence of disturbance, and change in operating conditions.


Solar power technologies; Linear Fresnel Reflector; Temperature control; CARNOT toolbox; Feedforward control; PI controller

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