Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbine (DAWT) Technologies: A Review

Arouge Agha, Hassam Nasarullah Chaudhry, Fan Wang


Diffuser Augmented Wind Turbines (DAWT) are an optimised class of wind turbines that use the theory of a Diffuser to accelerate and direct air flow onto a wind turbine rotor to drive it for higher rotations-per-minute and power output. This power output is typically measured and rated in terms of the power augmentation. Diffuser theory was pioneered in the 1970’s and has re-emerged in recent years with a range of new technological approaches to achieving laminar wind profiles, low exit pressures, improved pressure recovery, reduced blade tip losses, improved torque generation and adaptability to wind directional and speed changes. Research has been pivotal in the advancement of design and performance of DAWT’s with CFD remaining a critical analysis tool. Power augmentations have been realistically achieved within the range of 2-3 for small-medium scale turbines. In this review, ground-based Diffuser technologies have been presented primarily according to rotor type. Large-scale on-shore and off-shore concepts have been presented along with airborne technologies. Building-integrated DAWT’s are then presented with a description of some of the influential economic and technical factors that currently affect and will continue to affect the development of the DAWT industry. DAWT’s prove to have a realisable significant potential even when considered in applications across the wind turbine sector. The current DAWT industry is mostly research-based with very little commercialisation as the majority of technologies presented here are in their early developmental stages. It is expected that subsequent research and innovation in this field will be able to advance this issue to allow DAWT’s a credible chance as a key player in the wind technology sector.


Augmentation factor; DAWT; Diffuser; Energy; Wind Turbine

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v8i3.7794.g7436


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