Modeling and Control of a Three Level DCI in a Grid Connection Photovoltaic/Battery Storage System

Kamal Himour, Kaci Ghedamsi, Elmadjid Berkouk


This paper aimed to evaluate the use of a photovoltaic-battery storage system to supply electric power in the distribution grid through a multilevel inverter. A DC-DC converter is used to interface a photovoltaic (PV) generator and a lead-acid battery bank to a common DC-link. Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) that allows extraction of maximum available power from the photovoltaic (PV) panels has been included. This MPPT is based on Perturb and observe method. A three level diode clamped inverter is connected to the grid by a traditional three phase transformer. To generate proper multilevel voltage waveforms, a fast and simplified space vector modulation is adopted. The proposed control scheme ensures the injection of a reference power in the distribution grid and controls the reactive power with fast dynamic response. The validation of the proposed system is proved by simulation of the whole system using MATLAB-Simulink software.


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