A Diesel Engine Performance Investigation fueled with Nickel oxide nano fuel-methyl ester
. In current paper the Performance investigations were conducted on a Single Cylinder Tangential Vertical-I VCR Engine which was fuelled with blends of palm oil methyl ester and conventional diesel in volumetric proportions of 10%, 20 % and 30% naming B10, B20 and B30. The blends were tested thermo-physically for determing various properties according IS standards. Later Nickel Oxide Nanoparticle is dosed in all the above said mixtures of POME-Diesel in two concentric proportions of 20 and 40ppm in each blend each. The nanoparticle was prepared and various characterization techniques were done to check the preparation and for studying the structural and physical properties of nickel oxide nano particle. The experimental analysis revealed that the fuel dosed with Nanoparticle showed better thermal efficiency of 6.2% and reduction in BSEC and BSFC by 5.119% and 5.6% respectively in comparison to their regular Biodiesel blends.
A Diesel Engine Performance Investigation fueled with Nickel oxide nano fuel-methyl ester
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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v7i2.5566.g7046
Online ISSN: 1309-0127
Publisher: Gazi University
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