Green House Gas emissions from Hydropower Reservoirs: Policy and Challenges

Amit Kumar, M P Sharma, Amit Kumar


The Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions turns out to be one of the most important factor contributing to global warming significantly. Literature revealed that reservoirs too can be an important source of emissions, especially in tropical areas. A lot of efforts have undergone in determining the GHG from reservoirs, however, due to various uncertainties like lack of standardized measurement tools and techniques, till date the determination has been little difficult. Some of the international organization like United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), International Energy Agency (IHA), and International Hydropower Association (IEA) has been making a lot of effort to know the contribution that reservoirs make in GHG emissions. The key objective of this paper is to find policy and challenges at different scales that could help to address the GHG emissions from reservoirs and its impact on climate change. 


GHG, Policy, Challenges, Reservoirs, global impact

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