Optimizing Turbine Siting and Wind Farm Layout in Indonesia

Ifanda Ifanda, Didik Rostyono, Rudi Purwo Wijayanto, Nurry Widya Hesty, Amiral Aziz, Khotimatul Fauziah, Toha Zaky, Ario Witjakso, Ahmad Fudholi


Wind resource assessments are required to identify a specific area capable of producing valuable energy from wind speeds. This paper aims to optimize wind assessment through wind farm siting and layout in Indonesia’s semi-arid region. Wind data collected on Sumba Island over a one-year period was analyzed to assess the area's wind energy potential. Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Programme (WAsP) and Windographer were used to generate a generalized wind climate and resource maps for the area. Wind farm layout and preliminary turbine micro-sitting were completed with various scenarios in mind to achieve the best possible result. Four different scenarios are considered to maximize power output. There are 34 identical wind turbines with a unit capacity of 90 kW in Scenario 1. Scenario 2 includes 20 identical wind turbines with a total capacity of 3000 kW. In Scenario 3, 14 identical wind turbines with 225 kW of unit capacity are used. There are 12 identical wind turbines with a unit capacity of 250 kW in Scenario 4. The results showed that scenario 1 produced the highest total net Annual Energy Production (AEP)  of 11,287 MWh/year with a 3.73 % wake loss. The minimum wake loss seemed to be 2.62 % in scenario 4, with a total net AEP of 10,22MWh/year.


Wind resource assessment; semi-arid region; WAsP, wake loss

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v13i3.14070.g8806


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