An Efficient ARIA-RSA-SHA256 Hybridized Encryption Algorithm for Metering Data in Smart Grid Network Systems

Anita Philips, J Jayakumar


Digitizing the traditional electrical power grid and the transition of the grid operations to Smart Grid functionalities could yield very efficient results. Despite all the advantages, the smart grid networks pose a serious threat of cyber-attacks emerging at the various nodes of the system. The cyber threat models could vary from minimal effect on the system to even massive power outages disrupting the entire system. One of the vulnerable and crucial nodes of the smart grid where the security breaches can occur is the Advanced Metering Infrastructure component of the smart grid. Hence, it becomes essential for efficient security protocols in place, to secure the metering data originating from the consumer premises through smart meters. In this paper, we have explored the cryptographic encryption algorithms, which are most effective in securely transmitting data from smart meters to the utility centers and vice versa. In particular, using the approach of combining the strengths of asymmetric and asymmetric public key algorithms to provide hybrid functionalities are very efficient in Internet of Things (IoT) systems. Therefore, in this research work, we propose an enhanced hybrid security protocol with ARIA encryption algorithm and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) key encryption algorithm with SHA256 hash digital signature for the secure transmission of metering data in smart grid networks. The results of this hybrid application in smart grids shows significant improvement in the defined performance metrics.


Cyber security; Hybrid security; Symmetric encryption; Asymmetric encryption; ARIA encryption algorithm; RSA cryptographic algorithm; Digital Signature; Advanced metering infrastructure; Smart grid

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