Using the Circulating Principle of Hot Air Flow for Accumulating the Energy of a Vertical Charcoal Kiln to Increase the Efficiency of the Charcoal Production Process in Thailand

Kaweepong Hongtong, Chaiyan Junsiri, Sakkarin Wangkahart, Ponthep Vengsungnle, Sahassawas Poojeera, Aphichat Srichat


This research aims to increase charcoal production efficiency by using the circulating principle of hot air flow to accumulate the energy of a vertical charcoal kiln by covering the kiln with double layers. The researchers developed a charcoal kiln from a traditional single-layer charcoal kiln to a double-layers charcoal kiln. It retains lost heat and heats the charcoal kiln. A 200 Litres charcoal kiln, a traditional one, and a 200 Litres with a cover are used as double-layer vertical kiln. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model was used for the analysis. Field tests were conducted with three types of firewood: Acacia siamensis, Eucalyptus, and Burma padauk. The diameters were divided into three sizes such as 1, 1.5 and 2 inches, respectively, to compare the charcoal burning time and to determine the burning capacity of the developed charcoal kiln and a traditional charcoal kiln. According to the test result, it was found that Acacia’s highest burning temperature is 850 degrees Celsius, and the percentage of charcoal obtained from a traditional kiln is 23.75, while the developed kiln is 25.5. Eucalyptus’ highest burning temperature is 890 degrees Celsius, and the percentage of charcoal obtained from a traditional kiln is 20, while the vertical kiln with a double layer to prevent heat loss is 22. Lastly, in Burma padauk, the highest burning temperature is 650 degrees Celsius, and the percentage of charcoal production from a traditional kiln is 25, while the vertical kiln with a double-layer kiln preventing heat loo is 26.25. The test results of the charcoal calorific value of the charcoal obtained from the developed kiln showed that the average value is similar to others biomass, 6,700 cal/g. According to the experiment of charcoal burning using a traditional kiln, the efficiency is 18.68 percent, the average charcoal production rate is 1.36 kg/hr per time, and the average ash rate is 1.83 kg per time. While the double-layer vertical kiln’s efficiency is 21.94 percent, the average charcoal production rate is 3.84 kg/hr per time, and the average ash production is 1.1kg per time. Using a vertical kiln with a double layer to prevent heat loss can reduce the burning time by 50 percent. Therefore, as the experiment result of charcoal burning, using a vertical kiln with a double layer to prevent heat loss has a better charcoal burning efficiency than the traditional kiln.


Biomass, charcoal, vertical charcoal metal kiln, hot air flow

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