Seddik BENHADOUGA, Abdelhakim BELKAID, Rida FARHAN, ilhami COLAK, Mounir MEDDAD, Adil Eddiaif


Several simulation studies of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms of solar systems are presented in the literature in order to purpose and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each technique. The development of hardware technology has enabled us to easily implement and validate these techniques. The execution of the MPPT methods becomes very simple with low cost equipment, such as, open source electronic boards microcontroller-based and it is a good solution for autonomous embedded systems. This paper presents an experimental comparative study between two methods of MPPT P&O and sliding mode control (SMC) with an open source board. The main objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of proposed MPPT Algorithms and validate practically the SMC, with high internal and external disturbance.   The MPPT techniques results compared with experimental characteristic PV curves based on tracer curves. The obtained experiment comparative P&O and SMC results show that, the proposed system MPPT controllers was very efficiency and very robust under high external disturbances.


MPPT P&O; MPPT SMC; Open source board; Solar PV generator; PV curves tracer

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v12i2.13091.g8470


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