Coordinated IPFC and SMES Strategy for Stability Analysis of Renewable Energy Based Contemporary Interconnected Power System with FOPID Controller
In this paper, an amalgamation of fractional calculus theory with integral order (IO) controller that is fractional order PID (FOPID) fine-tuned with water cycle algorithm (WCA) a natured inspired optimization technique is proposed as a secondary regulator for renewable-based contemporary interconnected power system (IPS). Investigation performed on IPS subjected to the perturbations of 10% step load on area-1 (10%SLP). System nonlinearity features of communication time delays (CTDs) are considered to conduct a more realistic analysis. Simulation results reveal the predominance of CTDs on IPS performance. The sovereignty of presented FOPID has been demonstrated with traditional IO type regulators like PI, and PID under unique perturbed conditions. Further, the device superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) is incorporated in each area and the interline power flow controller (IPFC) is operated in conjunction with the tie-line is operated. Responses of IPS reveal the enhancement in the dynamic performance of the system under the coordination of IPFC-SMES with the WCA tuned FOPID regulator
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