Review of Special Electric Drives aided Photovoltaic Pumping and Proposal of a New Hybrid Grid Interactive Water Pumping System

R. SRIDHAR, R. C. ilambirai, Nikita Hari


An effective water pumping system for agriculture enhances the balance between increased agricultural production, power shortage issues, and water scarcity. Using renewable power sources like solar photovoltaic (PV) for water pumping system is a feasible idea as it provides the inherent balance between the power consumption and grid availability. The off-grid solar photovoltaic water pumping system (SPVWPS) possess advantages like access to a remote  area where grid facility is unavailable with simple deployment. The conventional water pumping drives predominantly have induction motor pumps, which have the following issues: voltage compatibility problem with PV source–needs a high gain DC-DC converter and the multi-stage power conditioner that in turn reduces the efficiency. Here in this work a single stage high efficient brushless DC motor (BLDC) motor fed pumping scheme is proposed and a new method of exporting power to grid when the pumping application is not required is also introduced.  Here, a unique way exporting power to grid is dealt which discards the conventional grid tie inverter which ensures less harmonic impact on the utility grid. A detailed review of the special electrical machine aided water pumping system with and without grid interfaces and the new scheme of simple grid power export is proposed. Also, a new power tracking mechanism for Photovoltaic (PV) called a direct hunt maximum power point tracking (MPPT) is proposed. This scheme accounts for 98% tracking efficiency without any oscillations in the power output. Simulation and hardware results duly validate the proposed research work.



Solar energy, Photovoltaic,

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