Compensation of Disbalanced Energy Consumption in 3-phase Systems with Asymmetrical Solar Inverter Output

Siim Muiste, Heino Pihlap, Allan Tooming, Alo Allik


A balancing algorithm was developed to redirect inverter power output between phases to make the energy flow between the utility grid and a three-phase prosumer as symmetrical as possible. Data from a solar station and a three-phase residential consumer was used to prove the concept. It was demonstrated that such an algorithm can decrease grid sales and purchases up to 18%. The aim of the study is to develop a possible solution to reduce the electrical energy exchanged with the power grid. The analysis shows, that asymmetrical solar inverter output can cover more consumption directly and reduce the daytime power need from the power grid up to 10 %.


Load balancing, unbalanced consumption, 3-phase system, building energy system, production response

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