A Survey on Ageing Mechanisms in II and III-Generation PV Modules: accurate matrix-method based Energy Prediction through short-term performance measures

Paolo Visconti, Roberto de Fazio, Donato Cafagna, Ramiro Velazquez, Aimè Lay-Ekuakille


The area of solar energy utilization has been triggered by advances in the field of new technology to reduce the cost of photovoltaic (PV) panels with an increase of efficiency. This leads to an economic prosperity peak for the users of such energy but requires paying attention to maintenance to preserve efficiency. In the effort to improve the quality of the energy production amid grid fluctuations due to numerous reasons, it is necessary to undergo the PV panels to characterization, commonly of two possible types: indoor and outdoor. Indoor characterizations are expensive and generally performed once during the life-cycle. Conversely, outdoor characterizations are easy to act but generally need all seasons-based measurements. Since there is no time to wait for annual testing, it is compulsory to find a way of characterizing PV panels not only in terms of energy production but also of the production and operating mode tolerance. The paper illustrates the findings of global research dedicated to PV panels ageing and its impact on energy production in the years. At first, in-depth analysis of the ageing mechanisms affecting II and III generations' PV panels has been presented, when exposed to atmospheric agents. Afterwards, the PV panels' characterization, conducted in a short time (i.e. a total of seven days), has been reported, performing outdoor measurements in conjunction with an electronic calibrator able to measure currents and voltages The MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracker) device is the core instrumentation of the employed measurement system. Obtained results are convincing since they have been compared with simultaneous measurements of PV panels located in the same place.


photovoltaic panels; energy prediction; sensors; maximum power point tracker; measurement system

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v11i1.11689.g8145


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