Utilization of Gas Turbine Generator Exhaust (GTGE) into DC Energy (A Survey)

Syifaul Fuada Fuada


Now adays, the phenomenon of energy crisis remains to be one of unsolved problems in the world, especially in industrial world. In fact, as the number of factory or even plant expansion increases, the need of electrical energy gets increasing, too. Therefore, to solve the problem, some renewable energy resources have been developed, such as solar, wind, biomass, etc. Further more, Gas Turbine Generator (GTG) is the first mover that utilizes gas as the working fluid. In the gas turbine, kinetic energyis converted into mechanical energyin the form ofa round wheel that drives the turbine to produce power. Exhausted heat produced by GTG reaches up to ~645 °C (GTG in Petrokimia Gresik Factory, East Java, Indonesia). Exhaust energy from  Gas Turbine Generator can be utilized became electric energy using seebeck effect, Peltier effect and Thompson effect. So exhaust energy can be converted into electrical energy. Finally, the energy conversion be used for industrial installation of DC supplies. Thus, the purpose of this paper are: 1) to explain the concept of conversion of gas turbine generator which is changing the exhaust into electrical energy, there by the exhaust can be used a san independent DC power plant supply. The concepts bases on the Seebeck effect that is "when two different metal pieces attached to one of the ends, then given a different temperature on the connection, there will bea voltage difference between one end and the other, so that the voltage difference can generate electricity. 2) to overview the metallic materials that are used based on the level of exhaust of Gas Turbine Generator (GTG).


Methalic Material, Electric Energy, DC Energy, Exhaust of Gas Turbine Generator

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DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v4i1.1084.g6266


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Online ISSN: 1309-0127

Publisher: Gazi University

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